Your Nervous System in Daily Life
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks about your nervous system and how it shows up in your daily life. How can you feel better and show up more for all the things…work, family, friendships, spouses, partners…..
Unraveling the Threads: Navigating Trauma’s Impact on the Nervous System
Embark on my poignant postpartum healing journey as I navigate the tumultuous aftermath of a traumatic hospital experience. Explore the complexities of physical and emotional recovery, delving into the challenges of heightened nervous system sensitivity.
The Power of Slowing Down
In this blog post, I unravel the transformative effects of slowing down in a fast-paced world. Discover practical tips, mindful practices, and the science behind the magic of deceleration.
Setting your kids up to feel safe and supported
Your kids watch how you handle stress and this literally imprints in their brains. So how do you create a go to feeling of safety and support? Read on to find out.
Life is not an emergency
Life is not an emergency but often times our nervous system setting, the radio station we are tuned into, tells us different. Read on to hear how this impacts you on a daily basis!
Choosing Regulation
What does it mean to choose regulation and how does this actually look in daily life?
Overstimulation versus Dysregulation
What is the difference between overstimulation and dysregulation (hint: it has something to do with being chased by a bear in the woods)
How a weighted walk started my business
How this weighted walk impacted my nervous system and made me realize I had to share my knowledge as an occupational therapist. However, this time not for the kids but for the parents.
The Mental Load
The mental load can be an overwhelming part of life. Read on to learn my nervous system techniques that make you feel like a superhero in the face of the mental load.
Your Nervous System and Your Mindset
How visiting my college town brought my nervous system imprint as a 17 year old up to the front of my mind. Why this matters not only for my day to day life, but for my nervous system!
How I am supporting my nervous system this week
Nervous system support doesn’t have to be something other or tons of extra time. Read on to hear how I am supporting my nervous system at 28 weeks pregnant on a daily basis!
Why asking for support feels so good
How my daughter’s nighttime struggles taught me the importance of asking for help, even when I think I “should” be able to handle it on my own.
Sensory Systems 101
A quick overview of your 5 senses (smell, taste, sight, touch and sound) and 3 lesser known (but crazy important) sensory systems.
Simplifying life for your Nervous System
Your brain only has space for so much. Protect that space with some simplifying tips!
Evening Nervous System Routine
My sleepy time routine to help downshift my nervous system and prep me for sleep.
Choosing Regulation in Relationships
How seeing everyone’s nervous system can lead to less fighting, more connection and more empathy in relationships
Sleep and your nervous system
How I fall back asleep in the middle of the night and other ways my nervous system supports restorative sleep.
3 Tier Nervous System Regulation
My signature 3 tier approach to regulating your nervous system!
Nervous System Regulation is a Family Affair
How I apply my 3 tier approach to nervous system regulation to our entire family.